Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Player Profile


Here, you can find a listing of all of the records by poncotuojisa for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. For each track, the score and ranks are listed. This page is divided into sections by record category (such as 150cc or 200cc).

150cc Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
MKS Mario Kart Stadium 1:46.639 709 97 91 +   12.463
WP Water Park 1:58.085 780 94 88 +   19.090
SSC Sweet Sweet Canyon 1:57.354 604 64 59 +    9.324
TR Thwomp Ruins 2:07.371 681 83 79 +   20.291
MC Mario Circuit 1:56.599 644 88 81 +   12.876
TH Toad Harbor 2:19.753 618 73 70 +   18.255
TM Twisted Mansion 2:13.614 696 67 61 +   20.260
SGF Shy Guy Falls 2:18.223 619 70 66 +   22.967
SA Sunshine Airport 2:09.106 607 79 74 +   12.135
DS Dolphin Shoals 2:10.908 590 75 72 +   18.957
ED Electrodrome 2:05.062 527 69 66 +    9.976
MW Mount Wario 1:51.119 536 83 78 +   10.574
CC Cloudtop Cruise 2:12.359 552 78 73 +   13.097
BDD Bone-Dry Dunes 2:11.481 602 69 66 +   25.068
BC Bowser's Castle 2:09.430 491 72 68 +   11.775
RR Rainbow Road 2:11.468 558 75 69 +   13.014
rMMM Wii Moo Moo Meadows 1:35.594 623 76 70 +   12.192
rMC GBA Mario Circuit 1:34.568 572 72 66 +   11.638
rCCB DS Cheep Cheep Beach 1:58.628 553 69 64 +   12.548
rTT N64 Toad's Turnpike 1:54.215 528 72 65 +    8.652
rDDD GCN Dry Dry Desert 2:16.289 487 53 50 +   23.858
rDP3 SNES Donut Plains 3 1:31.294 575 56 51 +   18.461
rRRy N64 Royal Raceway 2:19.280 701 72 66 +   24.502
rDKJ 3DS DK Jungle 2:14.699 607 95 90 +   14.222
rWS DS Wario Stadium 2:02.911 647 112 100 +   12.923
rSL GCN Sherbet Land 2:04.927 523 64 60 +   18.629
rMP 3DS Music Park 2:03.479 469 59 55 +   13.002
rYV N64 Yoshi Valley 2:09.429 550 65 59 +   11.947
rTTC DS Tick-Tock Clock 2:01.138 573 74 69 +   20.141
rPPS 3DS Piranha Plant Slide 2:13.703 585 85 82 +   15.743
rGV Wii Grumble Volcano 2:09.085 562 70 66 +   16.644
rRRd N64 Rainbow Road 1:24.017 516 82 74 +    4.821
dYC GCN Yoshi Circuit 1:56.967 602 63 59 +   15.714
dEA Excitebike Arena 1:50.847 518 78 74 +   12.380
dDD Dragon Driftway 1:56.827 577 62 56 +   16.746
dMC Mute City 1:58.944 508 69 65 +    8.156
dWGM Wii Wario's Gold Mine 2:08.793 505 71 66 +    7.420
dRR SNES Rainbow Road 1:33.789 523 67 64 +    8.220
dIIO Ice Ice Outpost 2:02.499 586 86 82 +   17.927
dHC Hyrule Circuit 2:02.466 631 91 84 +   15.561
dBP GCN Baby Park 1:14.656 635 66 56 +   12.820
dCL GBA Cheese Land 1:58.220 494 62 58 +   16.788
dWW Wild Woods 1:54.734 536 91 87 +    9.507
dAC Animal Crossing 1:51.370 570 69 65 +   15.598
dNBC 3DS Neo Bowser City 1:56.394 596 67 62 +   14.236
dRiR GBA Ribbon Road 1:55.262 492 75 71 +   11.773
dSBS Super Bell Subway 1:58.393 594 70 64 +   18.826
dBB Big Blue 1:29.050 566 100 91 +    5.873
Total Total 95:01.038 579.542 74.979 69.833

200cc Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
MKS Mario Kart Stadium 516 43 36
WP Water Park 398 30 28
SSC Sweet Sweet Canyon 405 37 33
TR Thwomp Ruins 363 35 32
MC Mario Circuit 418 35 32
TH Toad Harbor 323 25 24
TM Twisted Mansion 319 29 26
SGF Shy Guy Falls 301 27 24
SA Sunshine Airport 364 38 33
DS Dolphin Shoals 335 38 37
ED Electrodrome 362 34 32
MW Mount Wario 343 32 31
CC Cloudtop Cruise 298 26 23
BDD Bone-Dry Dunes 286 28 27
BC Bowser's Castle 279 26 22
RR Rainbow Road 374 37 31
rMMM Wii Moo Moo Meadows 360 31 28
rMC GBA Mario Circuit 361 30 28
rCCB DS Cheep Cheep Beach 306 28 27
rTT N64 Toad's Turnpike 307 32 30
rDDD GCN Dry Dry Desert 289 30 27
rDP3 SNES Donut Plains 3 276 25 23
rRRy N64 Royal Raceway 332 28 26
rDKJ 3DS DK Jungle 284 26 24
rWS DS Wario Stadium 309 30 28
rSL GCN Sherbet Land 304 31 28
rMP 3DS Music Park 278 25 23
rYV N64 Yoshi Valley 350 33 32
rTTC DS Tick-Tock Clock 308 31 29
rPPS 3DS Piranha Plant Slide 289 30 27
rGV Wii Grumble Volcano 279 27 24
rRRd N64 Rainbow Road   58.917 289 34 30 +    2.582
dYC GCN Yoshi Circuit 324 25 24
dEA Excitebike Arena 348 34 31
dDD Dragon Driftway 280 27 25
dMC Mute City 327 27 26
dWGM Wii Wario's Gold Mine 313 35 32
dRR SNES Rainbow Road 383 35 30
dIIO Ice Ice Outpost 304 31 27
dHC Hyrule Circuit 281 24 23
dBP GCN Baby Park 383 29 26
dCL GBA Cheese Land 280 26 24
dWW Wild Woods 322 28 25
dAC Animal Crossing 317 28 25
dNBC 3DS Neo Bowser City 302 25 24
dRiR GBA Ribbon Road 267 26 24
dSBS Super Bell Subway 316 35 32
dBB Big Blue 477 73 67
Total Total 1 / 48

150cc Inward Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
MKS Mario Kart Stadium
WP Water Park
SSC Sweet Sweet Canyon
TR Thwomp Ruins
MC Mario Circuit
TH Toad Harbor
TM Twisted Mansion
SGF Shy Guy Falls
SA Sunshine Airport
DS Dolphin Shoals
ED Electrodrome
MW Mount Wario
CC Cloudtop Cruise
BDD Bone-Dry Dunes
BC Bowser's Castle
RR Rainbow Road
rMMM Wii Moo Moo Meadows
rMC GBA Mario Circuit
rCCB DS Cheep Cheep Beach
rTT N64 Toad's Turnpike
rDDD GCN Dry Dry Desert
rDP3 SNES Donut Plains 3
rRRy N64 Royal Raceway
rDKJ 3DS DK Jungle
rWS DS Wario Stadium
rSL GCN Sherbet Land
rMP 3DS Music Park
rYV N64 Yoshi Valley
rTTC DS Tick-Tock Clock
rPPS 3DS Piranha Plant Slide
rGV Wii Grumble Volcano
rRRd N64 Rainbow Road
dYC GCN Yoshi Circuit
dEA Excitebike Arena
dDD Dragon Driftway
dMC Mute City
dWGM Wii Wario's Gold Mine
dRR SNES Rainbow Road
dIIO Ice Ice Outpost
dHC Hyrule Circuit
dBP GCN Baby Park
dCL GBA Cheese Land
dWW Wild Woods
dAC Animal Crossing
dNBC 3DS Neo Bowser City
dRiR GBA Ribbon Road
dSBS Super Bell Subway
dBB Big Blue

200cc Inward Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
MKS Mario Kart Stadium
WP Water Park
SSC Sweet Sweet Canyon
TR Thwomp Ruins
MC Mario Circuit
TH Toad Harbor
TM Twisted Mansion
SGF Shy Guy Falls
SA Sunshine Airport
DS Dolphin Shoals
ED Electrodrome
MW Mount Wario
CC Cloudtop Cruise
BDD Bone-Dry Dunes
BC Bowser's Castle
RR Rainbow Road
rMMM Wii Moo Moo Meadows
rMC GBA Mario Circuit
rCCB DS Cheep Cheep Beach
rTT N64 Toad's Turnpike
rDDD GCN Dry Dry Desert
rDP3 SNES Donut Plains 3
rRRy N64 Royal Raceway
rDKJ 3DS DK Jungle
rWS DS Wario Stadium
rSL GCN Sherbet Land
rMP 3DS Music Park
rYV N64 Yoshi Valley
rTTC DS Tick-Tock Clock
rPPS 3DS Piranha Plant Slide
rGV Wii Grumble Volcano
rRRd N64 Rainbow Road
dYC GCN Yoshi Circuit
dEA Excitebike Arena
dDD Dragon Driftway
dMC Mute City
dWGM Wii Wario's Gold Mine
dRR SNES Rainbow Road
dIIO Ice Ice Outpost
dHC Hyrule Circuit
dBP GCN Baby Park
dCL GBA Cheese Land
dWW Wild Woods
dAC Animal Crossing
dNBC 3DS Neo Bowser City
dRiR GBA Ribbon Road
dSBS Super Bell Subway
dBB Big Blue