Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Player Profile


Here, you can find a listing of all of the records by TheManu47 for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. For each track, the score and ranks are listed. This page is divided into sections by record category (such as 150cc or 200cc).

150cc Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
MKS Mario Kart Stadium 1:40.071 287 133 +    5.895
WP Water Park 1:43.023 298 142 +    4.028
SSC Sweet Sweet Canyon 1:51.915 306 161 +    3.885
TR Thwomp Ruins 1:53.944 294 138 +    6.864
MC Mario Circuit 1:48.749 314 146 +    5.026
TH Toad Harbor 2:08.038 316 157 +    6.540
TM Twisted Mansion 1:57.930 271 140 +    4.720
SGF Shy Guy Falls 2:00.852 247 113 +    5.681
SA Sunshine Airport 2:01.508 295 149 +    4.537
DS Dolphin Shoals 1:59.097 252 126 +    7.146
ED Electrodrome 1:59.933 294 146 +    4.847
MW Mount Wario 1:46.100 322 164 +    5.555
CC Cloudtop Cruise 2:03.033 184 82 +    3.771
BDD Bone-Dry Dunes 1:52.920 274 143 +    6.507
BC Bowser's Castle 2:03.515 285 139 +    5.860
RR Rainbow Road 2:02.437 201 84 +    4.135
rMMM Wii Moo Moo Meadows 1:27.224 302 152 +    3.822
rMC GBA Mario Circuit 1:27.212 261 128 +    4.282
rCCB DS Cheep Cheep Beach 1:52.196 343 173 +    6.116
rTT N64 Toad's Turnpike 1:47.590 182 85 +    2.027
rDDD GCN Dry Dry Desert 2:00.581 236 119 +    8.150
rDP3 SNES Donut Plains 3 1:20.132 329 165 +    7.445
rRRy N64 Royal Raceway 1:59.481 297 144 +    4.829
rDKJ 3DS DK Jungle 2:06.147 352 165 +    6.168
rWS DS Wario Stadium 1:54.787 364 174 +    4.799
rSL GCN Sherbet Land 1:54.367 323 163 +    8.069
rMP 3DS Music Park 1:57.235 286 146 +    7.065
rYV N64 Yoshi Valley 2:02.262 262 137 +    4.780
rTTC DS Tick-Tock Clock 1:48.555 317 154 +    7.558
rPPS 3DS Piranha Plant Slide 2:04.226 355 179 +    6.266
rGV Wii Grumble Volcano 1:58.672 314 165 +    6.231
rRRd N64 Rainbow Road 1:22.192 325 148 +    2.996
dYC GCN Yoshi Circuit 1:48.964 374 204 +    7.711
dEA Excitebike Arena 1:45.783 240 105 +    7.316
dDD Dragon Driftway 1:44.505 265 129 +    4.536
dMC Mute City 1:54.705 287 138 +    3.917
dWGM Wii Wario's Gold Mine 2:05.984 392 198 +    4.611
dRR SNES Rainbow Road 1:29.873 277 140 +    4.304
dIIO Ice Ice Outpost 1:50.859 318 157 +    6.287
dHC Hyrule Circuit 1:52.067 424 216 +    5.254
dBP GCN Baby Park 1:05.590 307 160 +    3.754
dCL GBA Cheese Land 1:48.693 243 117 +    7.261
dWW Wild Woods 1:51.206 352 172 +    5.979
dAC Animal Crossing 1:41.503 282 140 +    5.731
dNBC 3DS Neo Bowser City 1:48.638 377 198 +    6.480
dRiR GBA Ribbon Road 1:51.223 318 154 +    7.895
dSBS Super Bell Subway 1:44.579 296 157 +    5.012
dBB Big Blue 1:26.616 402 201 +    3.626
Total Total 87:46.712 300.875 148.875

200cc Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
MKS Mario Kart Stadium 1:10.606 211 93 +    3.596
WP Water Park 1:13.750 170 74 +    3.193
SSC Sweet Sweet Canyon 1:24.734 223 106 +    3.965
TR Thwomp Ruins 1:20.386 180 80 +    4.732
MC Mario Circuit 1:16.458 259 131 +    3.796
TH Toad Harbor 1:31.716 173 81 +    5.721
TM Twisted Mansion 1:25.712 146 70 +    3.730
SGF Shy Guy Falls 1:30.657 155 71 +    4.894
SA Sunshine Airport 1:32.264 237 104 +    4.468
DS Dolphin Shoals 1:26.407 203 87 +    4.508
ED Electrodrome 1:27.973 207 92 +    6.304
MW Mount Wario 1:20.800 210 96 +    5.809
CC Cloudtop Cruise 1:33.478 161 69 +    4.769
BDD Bone-Dry Dunes 1:27.227 168 73 +    7.962
BC Bowser's Castle 1:30.025 100 40 +    4.457
RR Rainbow Road 1:37.338 223 94 +    5.825
rMMM Wii Moo Moo Meadows 1:02.963 235 113 +    4.545
rMC GBA Mario Circuit 1:04.762 196 92 +    4.870
rCCB DS Cheep Cheep Beach 1:19.877 182 81 +    4.585
rTT N64 Toad's Turnpike 1:15.322 200 83 +    3.345
rDDD GCN Dry Dry Desert 1:26.763 183 81 +    9.884
rDP3 SNES Donut Plains 3 1:02.639 162 69 +    7.398
rRRy N64 Royal Raceway 1:27.967 182 81 +    4.653
rDKJ 3DS DK Jungle 1:33.236 150 63 +    6.244
rWS DS Wario Stadium 1:27.764 187 83 +    6.636
rSL GCN Sherbet Land 1:20.987 134 56 +    4.857
rMP 3DS Music Park 1:28.458 157 69 +    5.149
rYV N64 Yoshi Valley 1:27.557 215 97 +    3.565
rTTC DS Tick-Tock Clock 1:18.951 190 86 +    5.994
rPPS 3DS Piranha Plant Slide 1:32.077 149 62 +    6.093
rGV Wii Grumble Volcano 1:28.763 157 66 +    7.526
rRRd N64 Rainbow Road   59.168 308 138 +    2.833
dYC GCN Yoshi Circuit 1:21.437 194 92 +    8.412
dEA Excitebike Arena 1:20.912 182 77 +    7.023
dDD Dragon Driftway 1:23.101 163 72 +    6.890
dMC Mute City 1:26.821 224 98 +    6.233
dWGM Wii Wario's Gold Mine 1:30.238 217 95 +    5.380
dRR SNES Rainbow Road 1:05.345 197 89 +    3.364
dIIO Ice Ice Outpost 1:21.613 193 83 +    4.929
dHC Hyrule Circuit 1:25.191 165 70 +    5.560
dBP GCN Baby Park   48.558 170 77 +    3.827
dCL GBA Cheese Land 1:26.535 181 79 +   11.618
dWW Wild Woods 1:21.449 216 96 +    4.943
dAC Animal Crossing 1:13.362 171 71 +    2.993
dNBC 3DS Neo Bowser City 1:24.567 155 70 +    5.696
dRiR GBA Ribbon Road 1:27.658 187 89 +   10.709
dSBS Super Bell Subway 1:17.044 218 95 +    4.256
dBB Big Blue 1:04.433 302 125 +    4.072
Total Total 65:05.049 190.583 84.563

150cc Inward Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
MKS Mario Kart Stadium
WP Water Park
SSC Sweet Sweet Canyon
TR Thwomp Ruins
MC Mario Circuit
TH Toad Harbor
TM Twisted Mansion
SGF Shy Guy Falls
SA Sunshine Airport
DS Dolphin Shoals
ED Electrodrome
MW Mount Wario
CC Cloudtop Cruise
BDD Bone-Dry Dunes
BC Bowser's Castle
RR Rainbow Road
rMMM Wii Moo Moo Meadows
rMC GBA Mario Circuit
rCCB DS Cheep Cheep Beach
rTT N64 Toad's Turnpike
rDDD GCN Dry Dry Desert
rDP3 SNES Donut Plains 3
rRRy N64 Royal Raceway
rDKJ 3DS DK Jungle
rWS DS Wario Stadium
rSL GCN Sherbet Land
rMP 3DS Music Park
rYV N64 Yoshi Valley
rTTC DS Tick-Tock Clock
rPPS 3DS Piranha Plant Slide
rGV Wii Grumble Volcano
rRRd N64 Rainbow Road
dYC GCN Yoshi Circuit
dEA Excitebike Arena
dDD Dragon Driftway
dMC Mute City
dWGM Wii Wario's Gold Mine
dRR SNES Rainbow Road
dIIO Ice Ice Outpost
dHC Hyrule Circuit
dBP GCN Baby Park 1:07.092 21 +    1.156
dCL GBA Cheese Land
dWW Wild Woods
dAC Animal Crossing
dNBC 3DS Neo Bowser City
dRiR GBA Ribbon Road
dSBS Super Bell Subway
dBB Big Blue

200cc Inward Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
MKS Mario Kart Stadium
WP Water Park
SSC Sweet Sweet Canyon
TR Thwomp Ruins
MC Mario Circuit
TH Toad Harbor
TM Twisted Mansion
SGF Shy Guy Falls
SA Sunshine Airport
DS Dolphin Shoals
ED Electrodrome
MW Mount Wario
CC Cloudtop Cruise
BDD Bone-Dry Dunes
BC Bowser's Castle
RR Rainbow Road
rMMM Wii Moo Moo Meadows
rMC GBA Mario Circuit
rCCB DS Cheep Cheep Beach
rTT N64 Toad's Turnpike
rDDD GCN Dry Dry Desert
rDP3 SNES Donut Plains 3
rRRy N64 Royal Raceway
rDKJ 3DS DK Jungle
rWS DS Wario Stadium
rSL GCN Sherbet Land 1:28.770 24 +    8.594
rMP 3DS Music Park
rYV N64 Yoshi Valley
rTTC DS Tick-Tock Clock
rPPS 3DS Piranha Plant Slide
rGV Wii Grumble Volcano
rRRd N64 Rainbow Road
dYC GCN Yoshi Circuit
dEA Excitebike Arena
dDD Dragon Driftway
dMC Mute City
dWGM Wii Wario's Gold Mine
dRR SNES Rainbow Road
dIIO Ice Ice Outpost
dHC Hyrule Circuit
dBP GCN Baby Park
dCL GBA Cheese Land
dWW Wild Woods
dAC Animal Crossing
dNBC 3DS Neo Bowser City
dRiR GBA Ribbon Road
dSBS Super Bell Subway
dBB Big Blue